Friday, 1 July 2016

+++Transcription of surveillance footage – Desoleum Hive – 3.239.13.M41+++

By Order Of His Most Holy Majesty The God-Emperor Of Terra
Sequestered Inquisitorial Dossiers Authorised Persons Only

Verbal Transcript Of Pict-Recorded Document
Location: Desoleum Hive
Date: 239.13.M41
Recovered From +++Multiple Sources+++

Transcribed By Savant Trumble,

Subjects are gathered in a small chapel dedicated to Saint Vena - level 66/sector 47a. A servoskull enters and connects to the chapels data terminal, there is an exchange of machine code and the servoskull leaves. [Subject (I)] (possibly adpetus mechanicus, from his dress) interacts with the data terminal. Pict source zooms into data terminals screen reveals a communique – details below.

[There are increasing reports of horrible deaths within the hive’s upper levels, with odd items of a possible xenos or archaeotech nature found with each corpse. Fellow nobles have related these were preceded with bouts of erratic and troublesome behaviour, and worry that a hive noble named Lans Guljian has exhibited many of the same behaviours. You are tasked with the Emperor’s Work: to investigate the deaths and possible connections to any illicit artefacts, determine if they are potential dangers of a wider nature, and terminate their distribution. Recover and contain any items uncovered, lest they corrupt others.]

This confirms [subject (X)] connections.

(I)retrieves some items from the cabinet below the terminal. They appear to be a set of signet rings and some sort of licence. They take a ring each.  [Subject (II)] appears to be a local gang juve – unknown affiliation – possibly heavily armed. [Subject (III)] has the appearance of an Imperial Navy crew man, he claims to be associated with the black fleet. [Subject (IV)] is dressed in the robes of an Adeptus Soriatas Order Hospitaller Novice.

[Background warp activity readings are 2.042, high for a background reading but still within tolerated levels. 1 or more of the subjects is possibly a psyker.]

After some discussion the subjects leave Saint Vena’s chapel.

Subjects are picked up on a number of pict recorders, servitors, and servo-skulls travelling to level 64/sector 121e.

Subjects enter ‘Zebs Canteen’. Zeb appears to be ex imperial guard with some bionic augmentation.  (II - ratt) makes some enquiries, and Zeb sends a runner. The runner returns after a couple of minutes with information that subject X has been seen descending to the underhive, and there is a guide who can show them the route he took back to the spires.  The subjects make arrangements to meet the guide, who arrives after a short wait. [Subject (V)] appears to be a young gang member with colourful tattoos. The subjects gather their belongings and prepare to leave….

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